This popular interpretive trail offers easy hiking and biking during the summer months. During the winter months this trail becomes snow covered, creating a wonderful opportunity for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. Benches are placed at convenient locations as the trail rambles through stands of mountain mahogany, sage and rabbit brush. Eventually, the trail follows along a gentle rock rim of welded tuff before climbing a gradual ridge to Devine Summit. Keep your eyes peeled for white-headed woodpeckers along the trail. No stock or OHV are allowed on the trail.
From Burns, OR., travel approximately 2.8 miles east on US Highway 20/ US Highway 395 then turn left onto US Highway 395 north towards John Day, OR. Follow US Highway 395 approximately 14.6 miles to the juncation with Forest Road 2820, the turn will be on the right. Follow Forest Road 2820 for approximately 0.8 miles then turn right onto Idlewild Campground Road for 1 mile arriving at the campground fee station. For best access, park in the day parking lot adjacent to the fee station. Walk southeast uphill to the old wooden map located at the old campground entrance. The trail begins 50 feet from the map on the right. Follow the trail as it leaves the campground loop road and into the forest. When you reach the Idlewild Loop Trail turn left and continue for another 200 feet. Follow the trail until you reach the Devine Canyon junction.
For best access park in the day parking lot adjacent to the fee station.